Domestika Website

Project Type - Web Design
Role - Branding, UX research, UI/UX, Wireframing, App Design
Tools - Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Duration - 2 Weeks

After creating an app for Domestika, the next challenge was to develop a marketing site for the platform. This site needed to showcase subscription prices, highlight why Domestika stands out from competitors, and address basic FAQs, all to help users make informed decisions and gain a deeper understanding of what Domestika offers.


Showcasing information with the same design style and system as the main app is crucial. The goal is to transform page visitors into potential buyers. To achieve this, incorporate compelling CTAs and persuasive copywriting throughout the website. Additionally, develop a strategic structure and funnel designed to effectively convert visitors into customers.

What I accomplished

Subtle animations and design nods enhance the CTA and make the copywriting more compelling. Typography and color choices are meticulously crafted to hint at the app and service experience. The carefully designed website effectively addresses all user inquiries, guiding them seamlessly into subscription options.

In conclusion

Small changes can create significant impacts, such as altering fonts and incorporating accent colors to transform an existing design. With just 60 seconds to capture and convert viewers into subscribers, every detail counts. Structuring websites and applying UX principles ensures a smooth, frustration-free user experience, enhancing overall effectiveness.

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