
Project Type - App, Product Design
Role - Branding, UX research, UI/UX, Wireframing, App Design
Tools - Figma, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator
Duration - 5 Weeks

Peep, a social media platform developed as a school project, aims to compete with Twitter by offering unique and flexible features that attract a wide range of audiences. Each student in the class was given the same task: to create a distinct approach to cater to the social media needs of users, resulting in diverse and innovative solutions.


Designing a social media platform is a complex and demanding task. It requires careful consideration of numerous components and how they integrate seamlessly across both app and web versions. Every aspect, from displaying information to ensuring smooth interactions—from signing in to deleting an account—must be meticulously crafted and fully functional.

The project involved delivering a substantial list of components, each one essential for the platform’s overall user experience. Beyond that, there was also the challenge of improving on existing platforms like Twitter, identifying and addressing their shortcomings to create a superior social media experience.

What I accomplished

Creating a comprehensive checklist and practicing the development of components and UI kits are crucial steps in UI design. This involves designing an end-to-end app, including all sections, different parts of the app, UI kits, and modals, which are particularly important in social media apps. The process also uncovers insights into how human psychology impacts users and explores ways to address these effects through technology.

In conclusion

Technology exploits human psychology, particularly the fear of missing out (FOMO), to engage and retain users. FOMO, the anxiety of missing enjoyable experiences, drives users to stay connected.

Tech companies use real-time notifications, limited-time offers, and exclusive content to trigger FOMO, prompting frequent engagement. Social media algorithms prioritize content that evokes FOMO, ensuring users remain hooked and spend more time on the platform. This powerful mix of technology and psychology keeps users continuously engaged and shapes digital content consumption.

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